The Adventure Club

" The Adventure Club - Pakistan " was the banner selected for the club with the basic objective to introduce and promote adventure activities in Pakistan, especially among youth.

Now, the Club announces several programs for the interest of people of all age groups and with diversified range of activities on annual basis. The multi dimensional activities of the Club do not offer only trekking & camping programs but also carries the credits to train youth for camping, trekking and rock / ice climbing etc.

Though the activities of the Club are adventuresome and recreational but are based on education oriented objectives. The most important thing to be emphasized in the programs of the Club is social & ecological conservation of the area visited.

For adventure and fun the Club organized trekking programs for K-2 Ghonodoghoro La, Biafo & Hispar glaciers and Mazino Pass while with serious objectives, the Club established free medical camps, organized cleaning programs in various regions and have participated in plantation programs etc.

For advanced technical training, the Club schedules training camps and the members also participate in training courses conducted by other reputed organizations.

AddressPO Box No. 2071 - Islamabad

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